Tuesday, December 13, 2005

And so!

So the other night I was chillin' in my apartment -- listening to J-Pop and reading Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld -- when I came to a realization.

You see, I created this blogspot account solely for the purpose of posting on other blogs. But the realization that all of those blogs are about comics struck me. Why shouldn't I use this blog to write about comics as well? It's something I love to talk about, but don't really want to post about on my LiveJournal (as the people who read that wouldn't by and large be interested in the ramifications of the Rann/Thanagar War).

So that is what I have decided to do. In a way, it's a bold new direction for my internal creative team. But before I get started, I really need to get something out of the way:

Donna Troy is a bitch.

Now on with the show.


At 11:48 PM, Blogger kalinara said...

Indeed. Though some of her bitchiness is excuseable...unlike say, Jade.

Heh, I've yet to read Amethyst. How is it?

And have you thought about going with the pale green template with "OA needs YOU!" for a title? If you don't, I might. But I'm kind of fond of my ghastly pink...

At 12:36 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

I'm not sure... I think I like this color scheme. You'd have to show me which one you mean.

At 1:39 AM, Blogger Ragnell said...

Why don't you just title it Donna Troy is a Bitch?

At 6:59 PM, Blogger James Meeley said...

Actually, I like it with "Title Undetermined". It gives a sense that it's comic related, but leave it open enough so that you can talk about whatever you want.

Personally, I'd just keep it as is.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

Wel, I was considering that, actually. And I think this kind of clinches it.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Scipio said...

I did a post a while on the shockingly cool Amethyst and its strange evolution into becoming almost the bedrock of magic in the DCU.

I'm surprised we haven't seen it attacked by the Spectre yet...

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

Indeed, and that post was what inspired me to actually read the series. Note that I link to that inspiring article in my post.

And I'm pretty sure there's a scene where she's being attacked by the Spectre in one of the background monitors in IC #2...


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