Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well, Stephanie is back to life. Or rather, it's been revealed that she was never dead to begin with. Know that I am pleased with this development. Not only did I like Stephanie from the few times I've interacted with her, but her return from limbo bodes very well for my prospects.

Consider this: You-Know-Who didn't have a case for Stephanie in his Cave. There was a great deal of anger about this (and rightly so). But now it has been revealed that she didn't get a memorial case because You-Know-Who always suspected that she was actually alive. Do you know who else doesn't have a memorial case in the Cave?

And that's only one good point for me. Consider this as well: with Stephanie's "death" we saw a body. And honest to St. Dumas body! And not only that, but we also saw her ghost a couple of times! And this was all with her never having been dead to begin with.

I should note that my ghost has never visited Batgirl (or anyone else for that matter). Further, they never found my body! I mean, it's not like they looked for it. But I was riddled with bullets and then thrown from a window. My chances of surviving that sure were slim… But there was no corpse to prove it!

All this leads me to one conclusion: there's a chance that maybe DC will consider thinking about bringing me back at some point in the indeterminate future. And that gives me hope for the future.

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At 9:55 AM, Blogger Patrick C said...

Who knows, maybe that inept time-traveling Azrael from Azrael #1000000 came back and rescued you at the last second? Sounds like something the meddling Azrael-angel would do.

(If I remember correctly he couldn't directly influence the past, but that was on his first try. I'm sure he found a way around that eventually).

At 11:01 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Your bullet-riddled corpse was thrown through a window? Bah! That's nothin' man! Ted Kord could survive that! Jonah Hex survives that every other day!

I assume that DC is just letting you chill out with the other St. Dumas fellows before eventually throwing you back into the ring.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger LurkerWithout said...

I'd like to point out that Libra uses fire. YOU use fire. Coincidence?

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Scipio said...

Bullet ridden corpse throw out a window? God lord, in comics that's practically a ticket on a Caribbean cruise.

I fully expect you to return, tanned, rested, and running Santa Prisca.


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