Sunday, January 27, 2008


Dan DiDio says there are no plans for me. I guess I should have expected that. I mean, who cares about poor, pathetic Azrael, anyway?

Oh, St. Dumas! Why must I suffer so? What have I done to deserve this? I didn't ask to be a genetically altered brainwashed super-assassin! It's just something I sort of fell into. Though I did choose vigilantism of my own volition...

But it's just not fair... So many characters coming back from the dead... So many people who have been forgotten being given a second chance. But not Azrael... Never Azrael...

My only hope is that it turns out that Dan DiDio is lying. He's done that before. I can only pray to St. Dumas that it turns out that there are brilliant plans for me after all.

I just wish they'd let me in on them...



At 10:23 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Oh Azrael, my poor poor baby. I'm really more of a Dr. Polaris sort of girl, but really, you are making my heart just bleed.

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man oh man, can you believe the heretics have siezed control of the Order of St. Dumas and are installing Kirk whats-his-face as you? BAH!!!!!!

The only Manhunter worth reading is Kate Spencer, the rest are ridiculous.

Again BAH!!!! YOU CAN'T BE REPLACED!!!!!!!


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