Monday, January 21, 2008

En Español

Some of the April solicits are up. The coolest thing to me? Blue Beetle #26. Why? Because it's all in Spanish.

I don't think an mainstream American superhero comic has done that before. I mean, done an entire story in a language other than English. Of course, I'm almost certainly wrong about that as someone will no doubt point out.

But the fact remains that it's a very cool thing. Usually you only see languages other than English used to make individual characters seem "ethnic." (See 2006's Bushido debacle for more.

But since almost everything about Blue Beetle has been oh so right since the very beginning, I'm hoping they pull this one off too...

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At 10:29 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

I agree, I think that this is interesting and innovative, and quite frankly, appropriate for this particular title. I took four years of Spanish, but I blush to confess that I've forgotten most of it...although my accent is still impeccable.

I am a little concerned at some of the reactions however. Quite a lot of people seem to be against this, which baffles me. There IS going to be an English translation afterall.

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

Why would anyone be against this? That doesn't make a lick of sense at all. If it's done right, it won't matter if the reader understands the language.

That's the beauty of comics; as a visual medium, you don't always have to have words.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger LurkerWithout said...

Who cares what language they print it in. Traci is meeting Jaime's parents. THIS WILL BE AWESOME!

At 11:59 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

I don't understand how anyone could be against it either, but the subject came up on Scans Daily, and you wouldn't BELIEVE the number of people who were having palpitations. It was quite...odd.

But I'm always happy to see Traci Thirteen, and Jaime introducing her to the parents will be loads of fun.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Tom Foss said...

I've not yet been disappointed by Blue Beetle.

Well, okay, except the whole "no atheists in foxholes" comment, which is a terrible, untrue stereotype that needs to die a quick and quiet death, and which really had nothing to do with the story in which it appeared.

But this'll be a nice chance for me to flex my Spanish muscles, which haven't been used much in several years.

Although, as to comics not written in English, methinks G.I. Joe #27 was written in sign language...


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