Monday, August 13, 2007

The Death of Gods

I may annoy some people with what I'm about to say, but I'm going to say it anyway: I think it's time for the New Gods to die. And to stay dead.

I know that some of the New Gods -- Mister Miracle and Big Barda specifically -- are quite popular. But let's be honest... The New Gods have never really fit in that well in the DCU. To me, their presence has always seemed a little off. They're a little too Kirby for the DCU.

Now don't get me wrong; some of the things that Kirby introduced to the DCU are great (Kamandi, OMAC, the Source Wall). And the New Gods are great, too. But they just don't feel to me like they belong in the DCU. The saga of the New Gods has always felt too big and too epic. Their being shoehorned into the DCU kind of brings that down. So it's time for them to die.

Killing the New Gods is certainly controversial. But I think that DC has made the right decision in doing so. And from what little I've read by Jim Starlin, they've also chosen the right man for the job. He'll give the death of gods the epic feel it warrants. And when the last New God falls... Well, the DCU will be changed forever.

Unless they just bring them all back...

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At 9:14 PM, Blogger Scipio said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Patrick C said...

I love the New Gods as characters, I think the problem was that it was never really sure what they were. Are they really Gods? Are they really immortal? Are they just a really old alien race? I read somewhere thats theres only one Apokalips and one New Genesis - not 52, so that makes it seem like they are Gods of some sort, existing in either all Universes or none. But Mister Miracle is awesome, Darkseid is awesome, and I'm not sure why but Metron was always one of my favorite characters. I'll buy the miniseries tho to see how it is handled.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Oh heck, not Barda and Scott! Even Metron has his appeal. Frankly, I'm just getting tired of DEATH being such a huge plot contrivance. Can we come up with something new for a change?

Death has been DONE to death in my opinion.


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