Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Q & A

Yes, excuse me? Right, yes, me. Yes, I have some questions. If you could?
  1. Why exactly is Donna Troy the only one who doesn't have an actual code name?
  2. Why isn't the Flash in the Justice League where he belongs?
  3. Why is Raven -- who is physically sixteen -- hanging out with a bunch of people in their twenties and thirties?
  4. What's Wally doing with his arms, there?
  5. Since Nightwing's gotten good, will this be the book where he still sucks?
  6. Has Donna ever apologized for taking a bunch of non-powered people into space during Infnite Crisis and then ditching them when they all got royally screwed up while she went gallivanting across the multiverse with a couple of boytoys?
  7. Who's keeping an eye on the Teen Titans?



At 9:18 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Is it just me, or does Wally's torso look awfully strange there?

But good questions, all.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger mattcd42 said...

I can answer number 4, Wally is preparing TO FLASH!

Did you read that comic? If so was it any good?

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

I glanced through it. Not exactly my cup of tea. These aren't really the "Titans" I want to see...

At 3:00 AM, Blogger Sinmenon said...

1- Because Donna Troy is too messed up to care about secret identity. She gone for over 9000 retcons, so she just gave up to remember if she still have a S.I.
2- But he is. Wally just got back to the Justice League (and got a lecture from Wonder Woman about skipping monitor shifts) but all the titans (former and current) were being attacked. More info is a spoiler
3- Same as above. Or maybe just for the lulz?
4- No freaking idea. I've seen messed up poses, but this is a winner
5- Until now, this book mostly features people naked, half-naked or in highly-provocative poses. On the first issue we got Beast Boy, Wally and Starfire naked...In the FIRST.
6- No. If I were Starfire, I would burn her starry wonder-ass.
7- I am. Superman-Prime turned them all into EMOS when he killed Superboy (Kon-El)


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