Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Good Question

In 52: Week 5 John Henry Irons asks a very good question:

"What was he doing out in space? Whose idea was that? He barely has powers from what I know."

His question was regarding Mal Duncan, who was one of many to be horribly mutilated by an accident in space.

As for the answer to that question... Well, we all know that the answer is Donna Troy. It was her idea to take a bunch of non-powered people into the depths of space against a terrifying foe that they didn't understand. Great idea, Donna.

Here's another question: where the hell is Donna Troy now? While these people -- people she took into harm's way -- suffer, where is Donna Troy? Is she by their bedsides, supporting them as best she can in their hour of need? Not as far as I can tell.

Where is Donna Troy? Why isn't she doing everything in her power to help these people? Why isn't she even around? Was talking to a floating orb and pretending she's Wonder Woman more important than the lives of people who are supposed to be her friends?

I guess my very first blog post was right on the money: Donna Troy is a bitch.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Scipio said...

Getting her ass kicked halfway to jesus and back.

Which, frankly, is just where I want her.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Ragnell said...

I'd say she's found her niche in WW as the one who just can't quite measure up.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Marc Burkhardt said...

I thought that myself - minus the b*tch remark - while Alan Scott was beating himself up for leading heroes to severe injuries and deaths.

Wasn't Donna the leader of that team? Shouldn't she be gnashing her teeth, or is she too busy watching virtual recreations of old DC comics?

That said, I'll always defend the Bob Haney Wonder Girl - a fun-loving powerhouse who was a breath of fresh air in the Silver Age.

"Who Is Donna Troy" was the worst thing that ever happened to that particular character, and I have to feel a bit sorry for the heroine now that nobody apparently takes her seriously.


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