Friday, June 09, 2006


This isn't really about comics. But I don't care.

There are a lot of things that make me geek out. But there are few things that make me geek out the way all things Transformers do. So of course, this had quite an effect one me:

I literally died from the awesome.

But I came back to life so that I might be able to go see the film when it hits theatres. There's also an official site, but there's nothing there save an ominous countdown.

Still, I feel that I can now go forward in life with hope. For I will be able to see giant robots on the big screen. Which is the reason God put us on Earth. For giant robots.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger CalvinPitt said...

I don't quite know what to make of this. I think, like anything I have some fond memories of from childhood, I'm mostly terrified it will be horrible. Hopefully, they've put the time into it to make it really good.

*crosses fingers*
*crosses fingers harder*
*fingers snap from severe crossing*

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Centurion said...

From what I have heard and read, the movie will be a very much a summer action movie. Nothing deep, but good action.

I don't want to bring you off your geek high, but remember it is Michael Bay directing. Don't get hyped up, but don't feel crushed.

I've read that they are modernizing the bots and cons, which doesn't settle with well with me. (ie. Bumblebee isn't a VW Bug)

The set photos I've seen, however, have shown there is a real attention to detail going into the movie.

There maybe hope still, as Bay has said he's going to audition the original voice cast. Also, there is no footage released yet so no one can really make solid claims.

Here's hoping Bay does this thing right, and saves himself from bloodthirstly fans...


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