Friday, December 01, 2006

I Have No Idea Where I Am

I have got the mother of all hangovers right now. Or something.

Don't talk to me. My head hurts.

Anyway, I hooked up with my old college buddy Doctor Domino last night. At least I think it was night... I'm not even sure what time it is now.

Right. So we started drinking. Drinking a lot and talking about old times. About all the nights spent playing Dungeons & Dragons and all the days spent destroying our enemies. Those were good times.

Christ, my head hurts. I need some asprin or something.

Yeah, so the dean of the university didn't like us much. We were too smart for him. We were too smart for all of them. The fools. They couldn't appreciate our genius.

Yes, I know that sounds cliched. But it's the truth, dammit. Once Doctor Domino (he wasn't a doctor yet, of course) built a bunch of giant dominos and destroyed one of the science labs. He was trying to prove to me that pure wooden dominos were superior to ones including metal components. Fool.

But I'm rambling again. I think I need to get to sleep. Or something. Just let me say one more thing: my alma mater used to have one of the nation's largest fraternity systems.

Not anymore.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Ohhh...did the widdle doctor dwink too much? Isums not feewing good today? Poor poor baby. I understand that raw eggs and tabasco are supposed to be good for this...affliction.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope this isn't seen as advertising or whatever, but I was the guy who was in a Point/Counterpoint with you a few weeks back about Cass Cain/Adam Beechen. I idly mentioned making a post about my feelings on the Cass/David relationship, and then promptly forgot about it.

However, I did get around to making that post!

Just thought you might be interested in reading it. I focus mostly on the relationship with a brief digression into how I think her heel turn should play out in the future.


At 7:37 AM, Blogger Scipio said...

Nurse Domino & Intern Polaris; the Early Years.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Scipio said...

Wait, now I remember;

Domino's first name is Half.


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