In Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters the "Mathemagicians of the Anti-Life Equations" are referred to as Shadow Demons.During Crisis on Infinite Earths it was revealed that the Anti-Monitor had forced the Qwardians to serve him -- just as several someones have tried to force the modern Qwardians into servitude.How awesome was it that the tower from Infinite Crisis was made from the Anti-Monitor's corpse? That was wicked cool!Labels: Anti-Monitor, Countdown, Infinite Crisis
clearly Sinestro and his Yellow Army have something to do with this as well.
Yes, they do. Geoff Johns mentioned that someone is backing them. Since the rings come from the anti-matter universe, hsi backers must be there. But Johns also said that they are *not* the Qwardians...
The problem is you're all assuming DC has a big plan, when anyone can tell they're just making it up as they go along (see Cain, Cassandra).
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