Friday, March 23, 2007

This is How It's Done

Okay, so I read Aquaman #50. Holy crap, that was awesome.

I don't know much about this Tad Williams guy, but he sure as hell can write. There's more stuff crammed into this one issue than most series get in their first fifty. New faces! Old faces! Villains! Mysteries! Deaths!

I could go on all day about how great this issue was. But I won't. I'll just ask that if you haven't picked it up, go give it a chance. If you aren't hooked, then, well...

You probably shouldn't be reading superhero comics...



At 10:39 PM, Blogger Matthew E said...

I don't know much about this Tad Williams guy, but he sure as hell can write.

Yes, he can. He's one of the finest fantasy writers of our time. His trilogy 'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn' is as close to 'The Lord of the Rings' in quality and sweep as you're ever going to see anyone get.

Unfortunately, Aquaman is nowhere near the front of the line when it comes to candidates to be added to my pull list.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Scipio said...

Unfortunately, it's getting negative reviews on some forums, but I think that's because they were people who actually liked the aimless wandering of Busiek's run.

It was kind of bothering me until I read the sentence:

"Now King Shark is completely ruined."

Naturally, I fell off my chair laughing, and it helped put everything in perspective.


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