Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy Countdown

Okay, so the preview for Countdown #4 just about made my head explode.

First, I've never seen... Just... Well hell, look at that cover. If I didn't know better I'd say that Mary's right breast is bigger than her left one. Is this some sort of allegory on the superiority of good over evil?

Also: Darkseid on a couch. Apparently the DCU's supreme embodiment of evil likes a good sit down every once in a while. Do you think he was watching TV before Mary got home? Maybe rooting around in the fridge for leftovers?

Mary: How dare you eat the last slice of cheesecake!

Darkseid: Darkseid dares all.

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At 10:05 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

You know, I've been buying Countdown every week, trying to make heads or tailes out of it, and hoping desperately, against hope that it will finally...FINALLY start to make sense.

So far, that hasn't really happened. Mary really has to stop hanging out with degenerates.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Patrick C said...

To be fair, I feel like it's not really out of character for Darkseid. One of his very first appearances featured him casually strolling through an amusement park.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Yonatan said...

plus there was the great scene in during the Giffen Demattis JLI where Oberon, crawling around the tunnels of Apokopips comes across Darksied sitting in a comfy chair reading Mein Kampf

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Heartiac. said...

I am sure Darkseid just caught up on Mary's Gilmore Girls dvds, her Charmed seasons. Pretty much everything he has missed for the last decade for two reasons.
One, he's busy being Darkseid. Two, extraplanetary cable costs a fortune...

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Adam said...

And there's that fabulous John Byrne-penned moment in Action Comics where Darkseid crashes Scott Free's apartment and lounges back while showing Scott and Oberon the porno tape he has starring Superman and Big Barda...

good times.


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