Monday, December 22, 2008

Blast From the Past

Hey all. It's been a tough couple days here at Diamondrock Manor. Severe ice and snowstorms knocked out the power for a considerable period of time. And with no power, that means no heat, light, or Internet. The last was unbearable.

Still, we persevered and here I am once again to deliver to you cutting insights about the current world of comics. I still read the blog over at Newsarama even though my favorite contributor has left. (you know who you are!) And what did I see when I went there before the power went down?

A post about why Kyle Rayner is better than Hal Jordan. Oh boy.

I thought we were over this. Hal's back, Kyle's still around, and John and Guy are doing well too. Why can't we all get along? Why can't we all just agree to disagree about which Green Lantern we may or may not like on a given day? I myself tend to fluctuate between favorite Lanterns. Sometimes I like Kyle, because he's the guy I grew up with. Sometimes I like Guy because he's awesome.

But regardless, I don't really care if X person thinks that Y Lantern is objectively the best. Because I've got my own ideas, and more important battles to fight. Like making sure DC fixes Cassandra Cain...

Oh, wait.

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At 8:58 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Heh. I saw that one too. As you say, surely, we are beyond this sort of thing by now. On the other hand, it is probably the only blog that actually had any comments, so there is that.

And by definition, simply becoming a Green Lantern renders you completely awesome.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Scipio said...

Really, who cares what YOU think, Ryan?

What does DOCTOR POLARIS think? I mean, his opinion on Green Lantern actually matters.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Derek said...

"It's been a tough couple days here at Diamondrock Manor. Severe ice and snowstorms knocked out the power for a considerable period of time. And with no power, that means no heat, light, or Internet."

Welcome back to Illinois!

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Doctor Polaris said...

I can assure you that Hal Jordan is indeed the "greatest" Green Lantern. If by "greatest" you mean "most likely do do something idiotic and then hit his head on a buttress."

I have faced the others as well, but none of their skulls make the same pleasing sound that Jordan's does when you whack it with a girder.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger LurkerWithout said...

As I said over there, the greatest Green Lantern was and is Duck Dodgers. And while I respect and admire the "good" Doctor, he's lucky he'll never have to face GL Dodgers...

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

Ack! You have exposed my secret identity, Scipio. NOW how will I protect my family from vengeful supervillains?

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Doctor Polaris said...

Fool! it didn't help protect them from me BEFORE.


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