Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I don't get why people are all up in a huff about anything related to "Batman R. I. P." It's just another story. And nobody really thinks that Batman's dead. After all, Morrison put it front and center in the beginning of the story:

That, my friends, is Truth.



At 10:19 AM, Blogger Sea-of-Green said...

Yep. There will always be people ready to step in and fill those silly costumes. ;-)

At 10:37 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Am I the only person who rather liked the finale? Possibly because I hadn't been reading it up to that point, but I thought it was fun.

There was also a line about Batman writing all of this stuff in his journal. Hard to write it down, if you're dead, no?

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

I actually liked it a lot too. I loved that Hurt and Jet and the others all thought they had Batman fooled.

But then the Joker starts mocking them, making it clear that they *really* don't get Batman at all (and showing again why even Morrison's Joker is a better villain than almost any other).

I just loved how Batman repeatedly smacked down the bad guys.

"You'll never love again!"

"Nope, I had you figured out from the start."

"I am your father!"

"Nope, I already figured out that you're that actor guy."

And on and on. Batman's the best at what he does.

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Christian Zamora said...

Well, I'm amongst the guys who didn't like it as in at all. I guess I was expecting something huge a la Animal Man, or deep as Doom Patrol, but thing is Morrison moved past his creative style, for some it does work, for some it doesn't, sadly.

Me? I'm completely done with Morrison's writing.


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