Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So, Monarch wishes to start a war, does he? And the Monitors wish to join in? Well, what if they threw a war and Polaris came?

I say this now: if these two powers wish to war then I, Doctor Polaris, shall join them. Whose side am I on, you may ask? Why, that is a simple matter: I am on the winner's side. Whosoever shall emerge victorious I shall assist!

What, you say? That makes no sense? Perhaps you wonder how I can choose my side based on which will be victorious. Based on a future event. The answer is simple: the side that wins is the side with Doctor Polaris.

In this, I have have choices. Shall I throw my lot in with the Monitors, a group of fifty-one beetle-browed simians with tremendous cosmic power? They have tried to kill me before. Or shall I join with the Monarch formerly known as Captain Atom. He was a superhero. But then, he also has a massive army of masked foot soldiers. That's incredibly appealing.

So I ask you, loyal readers: whose side should I join? Should I stand with the Monitors and try to hold the Multiverse together (a few of those Earths are mine, after all)? Or should I join with Monarch, and destroy the Multiverse?

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At 12:02 PM, Blogger SallyP said...

Please. You're Doctor Polaris! You're nobody's lackey! Let these two idiots fight it out amongst themselves, and then swoop in and snatch the prize, when they are both exhausted!

Oh, and tea and crumpets at my house, to celebrate.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep trying to kill Booster.

Your continuing failure keeps the rest of us amused.

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burn the stupid Multi-Verse to the ground Doc. Honestly who needs 51 jerk-water Earth copies of the original Doctor Polaris?


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