Thursday Night Thinking XXV
Tonight: a Thursday Night Thinking mystery!

The possibilities boggle the mind!
Labels: Thursday Night Thinking
Commentary, Reviews, and Insanity
Tonight: a Thursday Night Thinking mystery!
Labels: Thursday Night Thinking
Some nights you just don't feel like doing anything. This happens to be one such evening. So, I've decided that there will be no substantive blog post. Instead, I intend to spend some time reading a book and then go to bed early. Still, I probably should run that idea by my loyal "idea checker."
So, DC has seen fit to release a a list of worlds in the new multiverse. I seem to recall DC specifically saying that they would not release this information. But hey, I guess they can do whatever they want.
Labels: Multiverse
Labels: Azrael
Labels: Doctor Polaris
So yeah. Let's talk about Eclipso.
Labels: Eclipso
The big man has spoken: it's time again for Friday Night Fights!
Labels: Aquaman, Friday Night Fights
As always it's... Thursday Night Thinking!
Labels: Jack Kirby, Kobra, Thursday Night Thinking
I just wanted to say, straight out, that I'm really looking forward to Gail Simone's Wonder Woman. (I love you, Gail!)
Labels: Gail Simone, Wonder Woman
Labels: Doctor Polaris, Egg Fu, Science
Well, progress on this year's NaNoWriMo novel continues at a furious pace. I have currently completed 30,000 words... Putting me well ahead of the curve.
I received a summons last week. One telling me to get back in the ring. And when the big man calls, You gotta pick up the phone. So here I am, returning to my roots:
Labels: Batgirl, Friday Night Fights
I read today that Paul Norris, co-creator of Aquaman, died on Tuesday. Mr. Norris was 93 years old.
Labels: Aquaman
Labels: Doctor Polaris, Monarch, Monitors
Well, it's been one of those long weekends where I don't post at all. Sorry about that, friends. But rest assured I have some things planned for this week. Last week was a hell of a week for comics, and I really want to talk about some of them. I just need to get my thoughts in order.
Labels: Off-Topic
Thursday Night Thinking returns! This week: thinking on the beach. Evil thinking. Because as sad as it is, the evil think as much as the good. And sometimes more.
Labels: Thursday Night Thinking