Creators Should Lie
Yes, they should. But for some reason some people think that it's "offensive" or "wrong" when creators lie to fans. I say it's a good idea. It keeps things edgy and surprising. I mean, if we believed everything Dan DiDio says our heads would have all exploded by now.
I know that creators lying have been useful to me in the past. Or maybe it's just that I'm foolish and naive. But when Geoff Johns said that Sinestro wouldn't be in Green Lantern: Rebirth, I believed him. And I was then surprised when he did show.
The same thing happened with Ion. Ron Marz said he wasn't going to use Alex Nero. Yet there he was in issue four. And I loved it.
Creators should lie their asses off. We should never know when they're telling the truth, joking, or just plain being deceitful. Because in the modern world of the Interwebnet things leak out all too easily. And comics are just way more fun with surprises.