Thursday, July 27, 2006

Creators Should Lie

Yes, they should. But for some reason some people think that it's "offensive" or "wrong" when creators lie to fans. I say it's a good idea. It keeps things edgy and surprising. I mean, if we believed everything Dan DiDio says our heads would have all exploded by now.

I know that creators lying have been useful to me in the past. Or maybe it's just that I'm foolish and naive. But when Geoff Johns said that Sinestro wouldn't be in Green Lantern: Rebirth, I believed him. And I was then surprised when he did show.

The same thing happened with Ion. Ron Marz said he wasn't going to use Alex Nero. Yet there he was in issue four. And I loved it.

Creators should lie their asses off. We should never know when they're telling the truth, joking, or just plain being deceitful. Because in the modern world of the Interwebnet things leak out all too easily. And comics are just way more fun with surprises.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The first issue of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters is out. And it seems to have annoyed some people. I've heard some call that it has a "liberal bias." That's not saying much; some people think everything has a "liberal bias" (just like some people think everything has a "conservative bias"). Well, I'm going to say it straight out: there's no such thing in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters.

Yes, Uncle Sam's current protege Firebrand is a little, well, fiery. And he's certainly got a liberal slant to him. But how much you want to bet Doll Man (as a long time member of the United States Armed Forces) is a little more conservative?

Of course, the real issue is that some seem to think that Uncle Sam represents a liberal force going up against a conservative one. That's just not right.

Uncle Sam's enemy is the mysterious and well-bearded Father Time. Father Time is not a conservative. He's a fascist. His goal is nothing less than complete control over the United States of America. And he'll clearly do anything to achieve this goal. In the first issue alone we see Father Time assassinate a presidential candidate and replace him with a double.

So what does Uncle Sam represent? It's a pretty simple equation: Uncle Sam = Freedom. Uncle Sam = Truth. Uncle Sam = Justice, and so on. Uncle Sam is the embodiment of the Spirit of America. In that, he represents all the great things that America could be. All the things it aspires to be. All the things that it should be, even if it's not.

I for one find that to be a very exciting proposition, especially considering the current climate in the world. These new "Freedom Fighters" are not noble. They aren't heroic. But Uncle Sam is coming, and he will take these misfits -- these imperfect beings -- and mould them into something more than they are now. From what they are to what they could be.

Uncle Sam is coming, and tyranny had better watch out. Because he's gonna kick its ass.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Unexpected Announcements

One of the most surprising things to come out of the San Diego Comic Con (at least for me) was the announcement of a Terra miniseries.

It seems so completely and utterly random. Why is DC giving a character who hasn't had any major exposure recently a limited series? Are they trying to drum up some enthusiasm for the character? Perhaps she will be appearing in Teen Titans.

Perhaps the recent upping of Slade Wilson has also elevated all his tag-alongs. Deathstroke (The Terminator!) has been on a huge upswing lately. It seems to have served him better than his years as a "grim/gritty antihero." Nobody wants that.

On point: I have no problem with the idea of a Terra miniseries. Especially considering the creative team involved. Plus, the character really does have a lot of questions surrounding her. They've been there for years. The current Terra is a complete and utter enigma. Is she the original? Is she a clone? Someone else entirely? It's always been a mystery. Except that nobody seemed to care about finding the answer. Until now.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


In the wake of the San Diego Comic Con I've heard rumors that Doctor Polaris may be returning to the DCU... And that it won't be me.

That's right: I've heard that they're going to replace me. With an incredibly attractive female doctor. This leaves me completely and utterly conflicted.

Evil geniuses like myself are often incredibly narcissistic. As such, the thought of a sexy woman in my costume... Well, let's just say that I find the prospect highly exciting.

On the other hand, I am Doctor Polaris. The very thought that another could usurp my title as Master of Magnetism and relegate me to a secondary position fills me with rage.

But there might be another bright side to the entire thing. If we've learned nothing, it's that the losers who like to read comics hate change. Look how long they whined (I'm looking at you, Alex Ross!) about Hal Jordan being replaced.

Sure, they might not miss me now. But debut "Doctor Polaris II" and they'll be screaming for the return of the original. And that would be me.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Nightwing Should Have Died

I know I'm far from the first person to express what is (among some circles at least) an unpopular opinion. But I really think Dan DiDio was right: Dick Grayson should have died.

I knew something was wrong as I finished Infinite Crisis #7 Batman seemed to be acting appropriately earlier in the issue when he threatened Alex Luthor with a gun. I found it believable... At least until saw a happy Dick Grayson waving from the deck of a boat. Huh?

So Dick Grayson survives. What's the result? He acts like a total ass in Outsiders and becomes a whiner emo loser in his solo title. "But wait!" you cry. "They're fixing that! Marv Wolfman is going to write his book!"


I'm sorry, but when I hear "Marv Wolfman" I think of two things: the Anti-Monitor's grandiose speaches (which I love) and Dick's disco collar (not so much). Guess which one is more likely to have a bearing on Nightwing?

Anyway, things would've been a lot more interesting if they had killed Dick and given Jason Todd the role. I dig Jason. As for Dick... Not so much, these days...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

State of the Union

I read an interesting post on the Newsarama Blog wherein Mark Millar talks about his plans for the DCU. Of course, Mark Millar doesn't work for DC. He's exclusive to Marvel. This leads into something I've been thinking about for quite awhile: Are exclusive contracts good or bad for the comics industry?

I'll admit that I don't know anything much about Mark Millar. The only thing of his I've read is Red Son, which I pretty much enjoyed. But the point here isn't whether or not I'd enjoy seventy issues of Mark Millar on Superman. The point is that in the current climate that won't happen. All the "big name" creators are locked up on exclusive contracts.

In one way, I guess you could see it as a good thing for the industry. You've got these groups of talented men and women who are wholly focused on one universe. And in doing so, they can tighten up their game and play their best.

On the other hand, it seems to close a lot of doors. And not just for the "big name" creators. It seems to me that the heavy focus on the exclusive "A-list" writers and artists leaves little room for new talent to enter in. Hell, half of the last three years of the DCU were written almost entirely by the same three guys!

Anyway, I'll admit that I'm not much of a "big thinker" when it comes to issues within the comic industry. I just read what I like and smile like an idiot while I do it. But sometimes I do think about stuff, and this is one of those times.

I don't know what that means.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Attention Brad Meltzer:

Will I be featured as one of the villains in your upcoming run on Justice League of America? I would seem to be an obvious choice. Not only have I faced the League before (see that wretched Last Laugh crossover) but I am also a doctor. And you seem to have a penchant for rejuvinating villainous doctors.

Not that I need rejuvinating. I am as fit as I have ever been. And for the record, even a devious mind such as myself finds the crime of which Doctor Light was guilty abhorrent. You will never find me engaging in such despicable acts. All of my "conquests" have begun with mutual assent and have ended with mutual satisfaction. That's the way Doctor Polaris rolls.

Anyway, I would very much like to appear in Justice League of America. Perhaps I could instigate this version of the League's inaugural "Rending Asunder of Red Tornado." Because it has to happen eventually.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Am So Back

Yes friends, I return to you after my two week vacation in The United States of America. But now I have safely returned to Japan, the land where politicians are only corrupt (rather than corrupt and evil).

What did I do while in America, you ask? Many things. Many things indeed. Among them seeing Superman Returns and going to a genuine American comic book store. Those were all a great deal of fun.

But last week my fellow bloggers Azrael and Doctor Polaris were kind enough to fly to Chicago so we could have ourselves The First Annual Title Undetermined Real Life Blogger Summit. And so they arrived (with special tag-along Cassandra Cain!) for a few days of great fun and interesting events. The highlights included:

  • Doctor Polaris getting wasted on $1.25 margaritas at El Rancherito and then bemoaning his break-up with Emerald Empress..
  • Said drunk doctor starting a fight with some jackass I went to high school with.
  • Azrael smashing up some dude's SUV for reasons that were never very clear to me.
  • Doctor Polaris breaking into my old junior high school on a dare.
  • The local "W-Mart" mysteriously burning down.
  • Cassandra Cain trying to read an issue of Highlights at the dentist's office.
  • Azrael getting all weepy at the end of a viewing of Peter Jackson's King Kong.
  • More angry posturing directed at a Green Lantern in one night than I've seen in the last ten years.
  • Baseball!
Long story short: It was an awesome few days. Thanks for coming in from the coasts, guys. Let's do it again next year.

And regular daily posting begins... Now!

Friday, July 07, 2006

I Seek Recognition

Nay, I demand it. I want a role in 52. I'm not letting the biggest (albeit most inconsistent) DC event in years slide by without my taking a part.

I've been a presence in most of DC's great events. My role in Crisis on Infinite Earths is nigh legendary. And Underworld Unleashed revealed a previously unseen side of me -- that of wine connoisseur.

And of course, everyone remembers my explosive appearance in Infinite Crisis.

Is it not fitting that I receive a part in 52? I'm not being greedy here. Though I demand recognition I do not expect a starring role. I am more than willing to accept a walk-on -- even one that entails my being out of costume.

Of course, regardless of DC's willingness I will have my appearance. They cannot stop me. All iron and steel is at my command. And there are a lot of paperclips in DiDio's office...

Some Thoughts

I haven't posted in quite awhile... That can be attributed to the fact that this is my vacation, and I'm spending it in America. So my four readers can take note that posting will be light this next week as well.

But before I go, I have some random thoughts about 52:

1. Despite being a child prodigy, Natasha Irons is apparently very, very stupid. I mean honestly... She's spent time hanging out with Superman for God's sake. She should know that you never, ever trust Lex Luthor.

What the hell is wrong with that girl? I suppose it could be attributed to the current trend in DC Comics of having young females act wildly out of character. (Cassandra Cain, anyone?)

2. I really don't like Renee Montoya. I mean I really, really don't. And I honestly have no idea why. I mean, she was fine in Gotham Central (though she was never my favorite character). But in 52 there's just something off about her.

And that's making things very difficult for this fan of the Question. The Montoya storyline is so intertwined with the Question storyline that Vic Sage can't just show up and be badass -- he has to babysit Montoya while he's doing it.

3. Okay, was that really supposed to be freakin' Egg Fu in 52, Week Six? I'll admit that that flew right by me. But apparently a bunch of people think that that's exactly what the weird dome thing watching T. O. Morrow was (and then there's the terrifing fact that Morrow was eating an egg at the time).

If this is true then I may consider possibly taking under advisement the chance that I might forgive them for what they seem to have done to Cassandra Cain.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Superman Returns

And so I have returned to my native land -- a place of fields and farms not unlike the Smallville towne of yore. While here, I have taken it upon myself to attend the local cinema for a showing of a certain moving picture. I believe you know it as Superman Returns.

What can I say about this film? I can say this: I absolutely loved it. Almost everything about it was flat out perfect.

Brandon Routh as Superman? He's got it down. Not only was he able to channel Superman's charm, wit, and presence effectively, he was also able to accurately portray Clark Kent as a bumbling midwesterner who gets flustered around girls he likes (trust me on this; I am a bumbling midwesterner who gets flustered around girls he likes).

Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor? Pitch perfect. Never has Lex Luthor been so real on screen. Spacey hits all the right notes -- his Luthor possesses the perfect combination of menace and charm. You despise him, yet you cannot look away.

Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane? The film's weakest link, in my opinion. She doesn't give a stellar performance, but she's not awful either. There are even moments were she seems as though she might be the Lois I know and love. But those are few and far between.

In other notes: the story was epic and awe-inspiring, the effects were dazzling, and the score was uplifting and appropriate.

Superman Returns was my first opportunity seeing a Superman film on the big screen. I was too young, even when the last of the Christopher Reeve films was released. But today I saw Superman return. And I can't remember the last time I was this emotionally effected by a movie. Seeing Superman -- honest to God Superman! -- is something that just a few years ago I thought I'd never get the chance to see. But I saw it today, and I am not ashamed to say that I wept at the occasion. The effect on me was that powerful.

He was the first and he will always be the greatest. And I will always believe that a man can fly. How could live my life otherwise?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gone But Not Forgotten

Does anybody out there remember Resurrection Man? I sure do. It ran for 27 issues and was written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning with art by Butch Guice (current artist of Sword of Atlantis).

It was a pretty wild book.

It starred a fellow by the name of Mitch Shelley. Old Mitch has a special ability, you see. Every time he dies he comes back to life. With a different superpower. Hence "Resurrection Man."

Resurrection Man was very different from your conventional superhero book (which is probably why it didn't last long). But as Batman told Mitch: "You're a hero. Just not that kind of hero."

The comic really focused more on the personal stories. Whereas most modern superhero comics deal with enormous events of nigh cosmic significance, Mitch Shelley made a difference on a smaller -- but no less important -- scale.

Resurrection Man is one of my favorite comics ever. I've reread the entire run many times (like I did earlier today). If you've never read Resurrection Man try and hunt it down. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.