
Still, I was pleased to see this year's DC Universe Halloween Special. It warmed my heart in a way no "Holiday Special" could. You see, kids still remember me:

Commentary, Reviews, and Insanity
Yes indeed. This is Thursday. That, of course, means Thursday Night Thinking! Who is the most common Thursday Night Thinker? Why, that would be Superman!
Labels: Superman, Thursday Night Thinking
Huh. It looks like Checkmate did get canceled without me noticing. Oh well. That last story was awful anyway. They probably should have ended the series as soon as Rucka left anyway. Checkmate was his baby.
Labels: Checkmate, Final Crisis
So yeah. Today has been one of those days... One of those days when I don't get any done but feel exhausted by 9:15. One of those days where I very well might be coming down with something. Now, before I take evenings like this off I like to ask my closest adviser what he thinks about the idea.
Labels: Wild Dog
Who all is going to end up as Black Lanterns? Is it just going to be dead super-heroes? Or is it going to be anyone who's dead in the DCU?
Labels: Green Lantern
Labels: Blue Beetle, Doctor Polaris
It's been a dreary Thursday here at the ol' homestead. Not much to do. Rainclouds in the sky. The only thing that could make me feel better is a little Thursday Night Thinking!
Labels: Batman, Thursday Night Thinking
This caused me to raise an eyebrow. Not that I read Marvel. Or even care what they're doing. But it seems to be part of a minor trend. Not only are they switching up for a female Black Panther but I see to recall there being a "Lady Bullseye" recently.
Labels: Marvel
January solicitations are up! Looks like it'll be an interesting month. The last issue of Final Crisis finally hits, but more importantly it's DC's "Faces of Evil" month. Lots of villains running around there. These are the key ones for me:
Labels: Solicits
Well, I spent the weekend up in Madison, Wisconsin at my college roommate's wedding. I enjoyed myself, but boy is it awkward to be the only single person in a room full of the married, the engaged, and the attached...
Some things never change. The sun rises in the east, Ted Kord is dead, and Thursday means Thursday Night Thinking!
Labels: Thursday Night Thinking, Trinity
Are all Hollywood types evil robots from the future bent on the destruction of humankind's happiness? Are they vindictive artificial intelligences that power themselves on the disappointment of children? It seems that that may be so.
Labels: Cinema, Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Superman
Labels: Doctor Polaris, Gail Simone, Secret Six
Thursday Night Thinking returns... And let me apologize for the poor quality scan. My normal scanner is currently impaired. But the thinking isn't:
Labels: Batman, Thursday Night Thinking
To: Geoff Johns
Labels: Action Comics, Brainiac, Superman
There was a bit of a surprise in my stack of comics last week. It wasn't something that I thought I would read. In fact, I'm still not sure why I read it. Maybe it's because the art was pretty. I don't know. But I did read Vixen: Return of the Lion. And I really liked it.
Labels: Vixen
Well, my weekend sucked. But I'm not going to talk about that. Instead, I'm going to talk about Supergirl!
Labels: Supergirl
Thursday Night Thinking! Is this the final thought of Jimmy Olsen?
Labels: Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Thursday Night Thinking
Hey, do you remember that billionaire industrialist? You know the one I mean. One of the world's richest men? A genius to boot. He built himself a super-suit. This guy was convinced that he knew best. He could run the world in a way that nobody else could. He got into a big fight with a guy in red and blue over it. Is this ringing any bells?
Labels: Lex Luthor, Marvel