Oh, you know it's time for
What, pray tell, do we have in store for the month of December?
Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert
Variant cover by Rodolfo Migliari
Sketch variant cover by Ivan Reis
The secrets of Nekron are revealed as darkness consumes the DC Universe.
Everything else: TOP SECRET.
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with three covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Rodolfo Migliari). For every 100 copies of the Standard Edition, retailers may order one copy of the Sketch Variant Edition (with a cover by Ivan Reis). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale December 23 • 6 of 8 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Blackest Night will be hitting the home stretch. But what will we see? Wait,
TOP SECRET? I suppose that means we're going to get some sort of continuity altering event? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, I'm sure we'll get more super-powered zombies ripping out peoples' hearts...
Written by Greg Rucka & James Robinson
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Gary Frank
Variant cover by Dustin Nguyen
New Krypton is a planet so fresh, s experiencing countless things for the first time. Its first spring. Its first blooms. Its first birth of a child. And now its first homicide. When an important figure in Kandor is murdered, the suspect seems obvious to everyone but Superman. But can he make Zod or the Council believe this is more than an open-and-shut case? And can he uncover the real killer in time to save the life of the accused? s a dark mystery, but R.E.B.E.L.S. star Adam Strange arrives in time to help find answers& even though the truth may blow apart the civilized trappings of Kandorian society in the process.
This action-packed arc leads all the way to the series final issue, which itself sets the stage for huge happenings in the DC Universe next summer!
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Gary Frank), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Dustin Nguyen). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale December 2 • 10 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
It sounds like something
big is brewing for next summer with the Superman books. I'm actually looking forward to that even more than I'm looking forward to the post-
Blackest Night status quo.
Oh, and my prediction is this: the "murderer" is Superman's New Krypton "pal."
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art and cover by Freddie Williams II
Variant cover by Ryan Sook
An all-new ongoing series! The Justice Society spin off group struggles to pull itself toward some semblance of order after the s devastating split! New home base, new training methods, new villains all bringing the JSA All-Stars face-to- face with one of their greatest villains again for the first time! Join writer Matthew Sturges (JUSTICE SOCIETY, JACK OF FABLES) and artist Freddie Williams II (ROBIN) for a new chapter in the JSA legacy.
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Freddie Williams II), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ryan Sook). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale December 2 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
The big JSA split happens this month, and I'm still not sure what I want to do. I have favorites on both teams as well as characters I
don't like on both teams. Also, I don't have infinite money. What's a guy to do? I'll probably at least try out the first issue of
All-Stars. But who knows if I'll stick with it. I mean, it's got
Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art and cover by Amanda Conner
A blast from the past! The alien Vartox has come to Earth to claim a wife and her name is Power Girl! PG may have wanted a boyfriend, but not quite like this! The fan-favorite team of Palmiotti, Gray and Conner craft another winner!
On sale December 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
VARTOX! VARTOX! VARTOX! I'm so glad I didn't drop this book.
What are
you looking forward to in December?
Labels: Blackest Night, JSA, New Krypton, Power Girl, Solicits