The Last Page
As I've said before, with comics it's all about the hook. This week, the best Last Page has got to be the one from Firestorm #34:

Labels: Firestorm, The Last Page
Commentary, Reviews, and Insanity
As I've said before, with comics it's all about the hook. This week, the best Last Page has got to be the one from Firestorm #34:
Labels: Firestorm, The Last Page
It should come as no surprise to the lot of you that I am an incredible geek. Whether its my comics or my gaming or whatever. I tend to take it pretty seriously. And though this particular blog is supposed to be about comics, I need to take a little tangent here. I'm a little bit rattled, you see.
Labels: Off-Topic
Labels: Azrael, Relationships
Okay, so I read Aquaman #50. Holy crap, that was awesome.
Labels: Aquaman
Labels: Doctor Destiny, JLA, JSA, Masters of the Universe
Labels: Countdown, Mary Marvel
I find the whole "DiDio has a vendetta against the Giffen Justice League" idea a little silly. I mean, has anyone actually taken a good hard look at what most of the characters are doing now? Sure, some of them are dead. But how did the end up that way?
Labels: 52, Countdown, JLA, Keith Giffen
Am I the only one out there who doesn't particularly care for the Great Ten? I mean, they're interesting enough I suppose, but the news that they're getting a series (a mini, I assume) leaves me cold. Very cold.
Labels: 52, The Great Ten
And so it begins. Black Adam -- one of the world's most powerful meta-humans -- has gone beyond the brink. In less than two days Black Adam has destroyed an entire country. He has slain millions of innocents. And it's only going to get worse.
Labels: 52, Black Adam, World War III
Labels: Anti-Monitor, Countdown, Infinite Crisis
Labels: Azrael, Relationships
Devon over at Seven Hells! pointed me to this post over at Those Wednesdays. The author did most of the work I've been meaning to do for awhile regarding the "Big Plan" that DC's had since Dan DiDio came on board. He did a very good job, so go read that and then come back here.
Labels: Countdown, Infinite Crisis, Seven Hells, Those Wednesdays
The date? October, 1970.
Labels: Jack Kirby, Jimmy Olsen
Been a busy week... Looks like it's only going to get busier. So all you get is a single panel. Savor it.
Labels: Freedom Fighters
I'm going to come right out and say it: I'm really starting to like Supergirl.
Labels: Supergirl