This Doesn't Stay on Topic
The new Batwoman doesn't work for me. It's not that she's a lesbian. That doesn't bother me.
Tangent: if DC really felt that they needed a lesbian character headlining a book why couldn't they have just decided that Cassandra Cain was gay? I mean, it's not like she's ever had any real relationships with boys. The only guys she ever hooked up with were Superboy (where's he now?) and that Central Asian terrorist. Oh, and that dude who never said more than two sentences near the end of her book. (curse you DC for ending Gabrych's run so early!)
Anyway, the closest thing to a romantic relationship Cass ever had was with Spoiler. I know, you say that they were just friends. But if you tilt your head just right you can see it. Pretty easily.
Anyway, it's obvious that I'm still incredibly pissed about Robin #150. If that doesn't turn out well then DC is going down like the Royal Flush Gang when the Joker's pissed. End tangent.
What was the topic of this again? Right, my not liking the idea of the new Batwoman. It's because she seems so designed to appeal to a certain segment of the population.
Let's see... She's a large-breasted readhead who will likely get naked with other attractive women. Who could they be targeting with that?